Monday, May 2, 2011

Conveying a Message

Henri Cartier-Bresson, Srinagar, Kashmir
(Cartier Bresson)

This image stood out to me because of the vastness of space and light unfolding before the people in the scene. Although their backs are to us, much feeling is still conveyed by their posture, a mix of hopefulness and thoughtfulness and passion, and possibly patience.

Russian Child Released from Concentration Camp
(Cartier Bresson)

This downcast figure, although surrounded by busy, bustling people, seems so desolate and solitary, so lost in her thoughts; she seems to be concentrating only on forward movement, oblivious to the life around her. I like this photo because it seems to narrow down the focus and capture time in a moment.

River Guide and Cargo during a Violent Thunderstorm, Heath River by Sam Abell at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery
(Sam Abell)

The eerie, glowing blue light and the solitary figure half-eaten by the water turns this photo into something mystic and threatening, cool and watchful. I like the way it draws the eye in because of the burning around the edges.

A Female Sloth and Baby at the Asunta River, Bolivia by Sam Abell at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery
(Sam Abell)

The sloth appears so desperate, and yet so determined, against such a stark landscape. Even the sky has a nearly hostile glow. It reminds me of a man burning with thirst in a desert reaching out for water he only imagines is there.

Pane Trees
(Sam Abell)

These stately, trimmed trees are silent guardians along a deserted road, and the mountains are so faint they almost seem unreal. The entire photograph has a feel of fantasy and fairytales about it, like something straight out of Narnia.

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