Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Neighborhood Map

1 comment:

  1. 1) The lake would be an excellent place for interesting photography, providing opportunities for frozen action and blurred movement with ripples, splashes, and a tiny waterfall; there are also dramatic reflections and occasionally flocks of geese.

    2) The rows of loblolly pines create a series of lines on three axes - the vertical trees, the horizontal lines formed by the rows, and the parallel horizontal lines from the shadows.

    3) The tangled vines twist and weave in serpentine forms that are fascinating to observe and awe-inspiring due to their size.

    4) The fox dens are a good potential subject since holes add a mysterious quality to a scene, and if the foxes returned this year, their kits would be beyond adorable (if I could get close enough to photograph them!)

    5) The bee hives could make a fantastic photograph if the worker bees were in action, or if I could focus on a single bee on the white wooden box or a nearby flower.
